Sounds like you need to bolster up your self-worth. Self-worth is at the heart of everything you do and drives your behaviour so unless it’s 100%, it’s likely to hamper you, hinder you or even totally derail you.
It’s the cause of all your misery and has nothing to do with your intellectual ability. In fact, you’re probably fantastic at what you do.
The challenge is, it is unconscious which means that it is actually in control of you and your destiny, unless you get a grip.
It affects all areas of your life, both business and personal.
Fortunately, I can help you overcome this. I’ve done it myself and for others.
If this strikes a chord, then please get in touch and let’s have an initial chat. Just p.m. me saying “initial chat”.
There is no obligation to take it further, no heavy sales, just a chat to see if I can help you.
I’m Vanessa Ugatti, author of Amazon Best Seller, True Worth: How to Charge What You’re Worth and Get It. I help accountants, lawyers and consultants to generate more income, have more time and create more freedom without having to get more clients, do more work or compromise value or values.
Ready to talk?
For an initial no-obligation chat, call 00-44-1202-743961 or to order your complimentary copy of Amazon Best Seller click here
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