Discover Your Value, Build Self-worth and Change Accordingly!
Vanessa guests on the Syft podcast with Jamie Bezuidenhout.
Getting Paid Your True Worth
Vanessa on The Wills and Probate Podcast - Talking about your value and getting paid your true worth.
The True Worth Expert Vanessa Ugatti joins host David Opie on the latest Today’s Wills and Probate Podcast.
Vanessa works with professional services individual and organisations to help them understand their true value, and explain that better to clients to help them get paid their true worth, unapologetically.
In her work Vanessa sees individuals and organisations constantly undercharging, underestimating, discounting, over servicing; she explains how a lack of confidence in conveyancing value leads to firms making less money and working too hard.
She explains how there is a tendency to be fearful about charging for our work. While Vanessa doesn’t give away all her secrets, during the podcast she provides some insight into her 9 Part True Worth Methodology; explaining how one of the key elements is helping people become more consciously aware of the value they’re providing.
“We take for granted that we are experts,” Vanessa explains. “It’s easy because we’ve got 10-20 years experience.” She suggests we need to “take charge” when it comes to pricing. “Modern lawyers have to be commercially aware which has a positive knock on effect on profitability and staff wellbeing because they’re being paid fairly for the worth they do,” she adds.
Vanessa and Josh Elledge, prolific podcaster and high-energy founder of Up My Influence talk all things value.
Vanessa is interviewed by Show and Tell

The Formula to Price Accounting Services Confidently with Vanessa Ugatti
Speak peer to peer with your potential clients to get paid what you are worth with a confidence.
Listen as Vanessa and Roger discuss the specific things, we each can do to effectively build the company with clients that are paying us more. Why, because we offer quality accounting services and know how to properly determine its real value.
Vanessa and Roger have a fun conversation that you’ll enjoy but also leave with some good notes so come prepared to listen with paper and pen handy.
Vanessa Ugatti is the author of ‘True Worth’. She helps financial and legal professionals to create a solid foundation to take charge and get paid what they are worth confidently, while creating a healthier work-life balance. Shownotes:
+ Why professional people sometimes struggle with being coached and taking on new ways of thinking
+ Why professional development for accountants is a lifelong process that never really stops
+ The downsides for accountants of not charging what they are worth
+ What might lead an accountant to be resentful of their clients
+ The need for a balance between low and high charge-out rates for accounting professionals
+ The dangers of getting promoted in causing problems with what you charge
+ What leads some accountants to under-servicing or over-charging clients
+ Why accounting firms are reluctant to get rid of those poor ‘category D’ clients
+ The danger for accountants of underestimating fixed fee work
+ What a garage servicing cars can teach accountants about scope creep
+ The proper definition of self-worth when it comes to pricing and accountants
+ How a lack of self worth is similar to imposter syndrome which affects many professionals
+ How to strike a balance between value pricing and time sheets
+ The biggest problems accountants have when it comes to charging fees
+ What leads accountants to underestimating their worth and undervalue themselves
+ The one thing that keeps accountants stuck in old behaviors and ways of thinking
When she’s not working, Vanessa is a great believer in practising what she preaches so incorporates daily meditation and exercise into her schedule. In normal times, live music, restaurants and travel are also important ways for her to enjoy life.
Next Gen Podcast:
Adam is joined by Vanessa Ugatti - The True Worth Expert to chat about charging what you're worth and what you deserve.
Vanessa helps professionals to generate more revenue, have more time and create more freedom by charging what they’re really worth and getting it. This unique ability, to bring out the best in people, has evolved for her over many years of facing similar challenges both professionally and personally, even questioning her own value in business.
With the development of her proprietary UV + CV + CD = CW formula, she works with firms, instilling greater confidence and inspiring them to take the necessary action, resulting in incredibly fast changes that directly impact revenues and the bottom line.
Verity Lovelock says Just Do It!
A fabulous experience not only interviewing Laurence and Verity but also working with them. You can hear their experience working with me in this short video. In Verity’s words, if you’re wavering on making a decision to work with me, just do it!
Pearl Moses, Head of Risk and Compliance at the Law Society Talks with Vanessa Ugatti
Was delighted and honoured to have been interviewed by Pearl on my specialist subject, charging what you’re worth and already had some very positive feedback from listeners.
Vanessa Ugatti is interviewed by Lawsome Podcast in the States (podcasts for Lawyers) about her expertise, charging what you’re worth, a subject dear to her heart and others’ too. According to the producers, Jacob Sanders and Paul Julius her podcast is one of the best performing. You can check it out here.
Vanessa Ugatti In Conversation With Debra Levitt from Bridging Gaps
This week's conversation is with Vanessa Ugatti - the True Worth Expert. Vanessa explains that certain personality types have difficulty in making sure they are getting their true worth when working with clients. She was one of them so knows first hand the challenges that they face.
Vanessa talks about recognising that she wanted to do something around training but being unclear on what exactly she wanted to do. Using her redundancy, she started figuring it out while working at various part time jobs that were leading her towards her future.
A request to speak on Fear, led to her being introduced to people needing help with their wedding speeches which took her towards her next step.
An unexpected setback at work led to her taking a break and then deciding not to return to that work.
2008 brought a new round of challenges with the financial crisis and losing 3 people in her life in a very short period of time. It hit Vanessa hard and she became a hermit, squirreling herself away. With time, she started networking again and met a coach who she signed up with to help her get moving again. At this point, she started looking for business owners to coach and moved away from the public speaking workshops.
This started her down the path of the True Worth Expert that she is today!
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Interview on Wessex 360 with Rick Simmonds.
Vanessa Ugatti is Interviewed by Brian Hilliard from Brand & Grow Your Coaching Practice
As most of you guys know by now, I’m all about charging and getting paid what your're worth as a Coach. So much so, I had a chance to sit down with Vanessa Ugatti who talks a lot about that, to get her perspective on what can sometimes be a somewhat vexing issue for coaches - Brian Hilliard
"Getting Paid your
True Worth"
with Coach & Consultant
Vanessa Ugatti
Vanessa Ugatti is interviewed by Alan Stevens, Media Coach and Fellow of the Professional Speakers’ Association
Worth Every Penny
Lawyers are not good at charging their true worth. They take their expertise for granted. They go out of their way to deliver for clients. But if you charge your true worth, you will generate more income without having to get more clients. Vanessa Ugatti explains
Interviews with Vanessa Ugatti
Charge What You're Worth and Get It - Part 1
Accountants often under-sell themselves by not understanding their value, not communicating that value to their clients and not being comfortable discussing fees. This can change. Vanessa Ugatti, the True Worth Expert, is interviewed by Alan Coote of Let’s Talk Business on the subject of how to charge what you’re worth and get it.
Charge What You're Worth and Get It - Part 2
Professional Services often under-sell themselves by not understanding their value, not communicating that value to their clients and not being comfortable discussing fees. This can change. Vanessa Ugatti, the True Worth Expert, is interviewed by Alan Coote of Let’s Talk Business on the subject of how to charge what you’re worth and get it.
Charge What You're Worth and Get It - Part 3
Lawyers often under-sell themselves by not understanding their value, not communicating that value to their clients and not being comfortable discussing fees. This can change. Vanessa Ugatti, the True Worth Expert, is interviewed by Alan Coote of Let’s Talk Business on the subject of how to charge what you’re worth and get it.
Charge Based on Value, Not on Price –
Interview with Vanessa Ugatti
Click 'Play' to listen to the audio interview
Important things covered in this episode:
5 steps or questions that can help us get over our negative beliefs about charging more.
Fear dominates the world of freelance translation. There’s always someone willing to do it cheaper. How do we step away from this? In this episode we’re talking about how to charge based on our value, not on price. I’m interviewing Vanessa Ugatti, coach, motivational speaker and author of the Amazon best seller – True Worth. If you’ve ever thought: They’ll think it’s too expensive, they’ll say no or I’ll lose the client, this episode is for you.
The True Worth Expert supported The Vinyl Impressions music radio show
for national hospital radio during 2016.
Vinyl Impressions – Vinyl Pop Hits 147 by Martyn Brown on Mixcloud
Published Articles by Vanessa Ugatti
Links To Other Vanessa Ugatti Related Items – April 2016 13/7/15 June 2015 June 2015
Commissioned by Mslexia to write an article on charging what you’re worth for writers – September 2015
Radio interview on Radio Solent with Katie Martin – September 2014
I’m Vanessa Ugatti, author of Amazon Best Seller, True Worth: How to Charge What You’re Worth and Get It. I help accountants, lawyers and consultants to generate more income, have more time and create more freedom without having to get more clients, do more work or compromise value or values.
Ready to talk?
For an initial no-obligation chat, call 00-44-1202-743961 or to order your complimentary copy of Amazon Best Seller click here