If you’d like to convert more prospects into clients, read on.
First of all, let’s cover what communicating fearlessly is not. It’s not about bullying, manipulating or being aggressive with your prospects in any way whatsoever. We’re not talking about sleazy double-glazing salesmen after all.
It’s also not about you having to become someone you’re not. Quite the contrary. So you can breathe a huge sigh of relief. It’s about a set of behaviours which enable you to be very clear and concise so that your prospects appreciate you and want to do business with you. So let me walk you through some steps you can take to start your journey of communicating fearlessly with prospects.
Preparation of course is key so I’m not going to labour the point. However, I also believe there is a balance between being over-prepared and going with the flow. On the one hand, you’re not endeavouring to script exactly what you’re going to say as this is then likely to sound stilted and unnatural.
On the other hand, when it comes to explaining what your service is, you need to be crystal clear in communicating the benefits to your prospect so it becomes an absolute no-brainer. To do this, you have to understand your value at the deepest level. When you really get this (and it does take some work), you will feel rock solid in yourself and will then be in a much stronger position to communicate fearlessly.
Right Thinking
Right-thinking is the bedrock of fearless communication. Right thinking creates right action which in turn creates right results. Make it a practice to become consciously aware of what you’re thinking leading up to a meeting with a prospect or any other important meeting for that matter.
Are you feeling excited and looking forward to it or are you feeling fearful and worried about what the outcome will be. So often with clients, I discover their thinking is stinking which means they set themselves up for failure in one way or another.
On a personal note, a couple of months ago, I was on my way to Bath to speak at an event. I had left loads of time for my journey and expected to arrive at least an hour beforehand. However, unforeseen roadworks set me back significantly and I noticed my stress levels soar.
The negative voice kicked in, telling me I’d be late. In fact, I arrived with 20 minutes to spare which was just enough time for me to prepare myself. Once I’d checked the room and that my paperwork was in order, I spent the remainder of the time walking up and down repeating the following over and over:
“I’m professional, powerful and precise.”
It did the trick, I went from extreme stress to calm in a matter of minutes so by the time I stood up to speak, I was in a great place.
Tip: I strongly urge you to make this affirmation a practice prior to each and every meeting you have.
Let Go and Relax
The third step is quite simply to let go of the outcome and any expectation whatsoever. Relax. The more relaxed you are, the more likely the prospect is to want to work with you.
The opposite is also true. Desperation is an energy that pushes people away and is not attractive. I’m not suggesting that you’re indifferent, but rather detached. After all, you only want to work with the right clients who value you don’t you? In this way, the client gets their needs met and you can charge what you’re worth.
In summary, when you understand your value, make sure your thinking is correct and you relax and let go, your results will soar.
Please share with your contacts so they too can benefit.
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