Toxic thinking is far more dangerous than eating unhealthy foods as it permeates through every cell of your body. You see your mind and body are inextricably linked and you may or may not realise this, but the mind is more powerful than the body.
Whatever you focus on through your thinking over a period of time must manifest into existence; whether good or bad.
Your subconscious mind cannot judge or say something is right or wrong, it can only respond as you instruct it, just like a computer.
So, for example, if you’re telling yourself “I can’t possibly #charge that”, then that is true for you and will continue to be real as long as you listen to and act upon it.
When you understand this and learn to control your thoughts focusing them on what you want to achieve, you will also be easily able to let go of behaviours which do not support you, including eating the wrong foods!
If you’re a successful #lawyer, #accountant or #consultant who is not getting a fair return on your hard work and the #value you provide, then please get in touch and let’s have an initial chat. Just p.m. me saying “initial chat”.
There is no obligation to take it further, no heavy sales, just a quick chat to see if I can help you.
I’m Vanessa Ugatti, author of Amazon Best Seller, True Worth: How to Charge What You’re Worth and Get It. I help accountants, lawyers and consultants to generate more income, have more time and create more freedom without having to get more clients, do more work or compromise value or values.
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